Welcome / Kia ora
Spring is well under way. Daffodils have been and gone, we've picnicked under the cherry blossoms, hydrangeas are busting out in leaves, and trees are looking green again. How are you blossoming this year? Read on for news and notifications.
Thank you / Nga mihi
"*Tasman Bay Survey Trade Winds 2013" by Janet Bathgate
The President's Report
Welcome to our Spring newsletter. There is a flush of new growth in the garden and we received some great fresh works for our Spring exhibition - Emergence. Many were large, all were of a high standard and many of you put three works forward. To select from this large and diverse range to make a cohesive exhibition was a hard task. We would have liked to have hung them all, but artworks need space and ours is limited. Nobody was rejected from this exhibition but some were not selected this time around. The opening night was well attended, and we took six sales. Our guest this year was nationally and internationally renowned multi-media artist, teacher, and former senior lecture at RMIT University, Melbourne, David Ryan. We thank him for speaking on the opening night. I’d also like to acknowledge our wine sponsor Richmond Plains whose organic wines we had the privilege of drinking while enjoying the art works. Their Blanc de Noir, champagne without bubbles, was a fruity delight.
It was pleasing to see some new faces at the social evening in The Workshop Bar and Brewery. It was a little hidden away but a good number of us found it.
The winter months in the McKee Gallery have been busy. Jocelyn Ward presented some subtle reflection and shadows in her exhibition Pond and Inlet. Her calming colour combination filled the gallery. This was followed by the Land, Sea, Sky exhibition. All three elements were portrayed through the work of Peter Copp's dramatic landscapes, Sue Newitt's rippling bowls and ceramics, Gary Gibbons' clean, clear mountains and Lauren Kitts' diverse sculptures from stone. Look: Enjoy by Francie Heathfield and Dorothy MeHarry filled the gallery with colour and texture demonstrating their abstract styles.
In August we welcomed five new members and an eclectic mix of artworks. Paul Deacon, a marine artist presented huge skies and seas with detailed traditional sailing boats. Anna Pickersgill-Brown explored the moods of landscape with colour in both watercolour and acrylic. Karen Joost's soft pastels and oils showed the depth of the natural world. Debra Cole's sharp and soft focus black and white photography explored female form. Jonathan Truslove's fine intricate work in wood and brass were beautifully crafted. There were a total of 15 art sales, which is a success for our artists and tremendous for the NSAS when visitor numbers have been low.
I would like to encourage all our members to think about exhibiting in the McKee Gallery as a solo exhibition or a group. The Gallery is there for everyone and we would love to exhibit your creative works of art. When exhibiting in the McKee Gallery you also have an easel in the SBS bank window for an extra piece of work to be displayed.
Thank you for your support. Thank you for all the volunteer hours. Thank you for any suggestions and ideas you put forward to the committee.
Philippa Eberlein
NSAS President
Elemental Beauty
Dharan Longley, photographer
10 - 29 November
Opening: 11 November Wednesday 5:30pm
The Summer Exhibition
30 November - 31 January, 2021
Christmas Party Opening: Wednesday 2 December 2020
New Artist Profile: Belinda Wilson
I was born in Calcutta, educated in Timaru and I am an Elam graduate (DFA.HONS). After graduating I lived overseas for many years, working in studios in London, NYC, Vermont, Brussells and Sydney.
For the last 25 years I have lived in Auckland doing studio work and exhibiting and teaching my own painting and drawing classes. I also love to travel and see galleries around the world and fully intend to do this again Covid permitting! Now we have relocated to Nelson where I will continue my painting and intend to set up my art classes. You can check out information about what I teach on my website student portal www.belindawilson.co.nz and get in touch with me from there if you are interested in joining my classes.
My paintings are like diary entries. Whether painting mood landscapes recently experienced or gestural figure studies of people around me which also trigger a memory or an emotion. I am interested in the way people interact and how their bodies show what they are experiencing emotionally. I also love to paint water because it is a subject which lends itself to layering and to bravura brushstrokes of paint. The Pelorus River beckons me!
I am looking forward to being a part of the Nelson Suter Art Society and to meeting other artists here in Nelson.
New Artist Profile: Lyndsay O’Hanlon
Originally from the UK I have lived in Nelson for the past 28 years. I have always loved to draw and paint and coming from a very creative family I can’t remember a time when art was not a central part of my life. I have learned a great deal from various art classes over the years but am mainly self taught. My main career(other than being a mum to my two sons)has been with garden design which I have enjoyed for a number of years and definitely viewed as another outlet for my creativity. I have now decided to focus on my own garden and dedicate most of my time to painting.
Having worked with watercolour and acrylics I loved both mediums but have in the past couple of years found a passion for oils. I enjoy the versatility, flow, luminosity and glow that I believe oil paint allows. My painting subject is often still life-I have a fascination for shape, pattern, light and shadow and the effect all of these have with the play of colour. I also have a small obsession with flower form and more recently have focussed on painting large images trying to capture the intricacies and depths of the individual blooms.
Feeling honoured to have been accepted and very much looking forward to being a part of The Nelson Suter Art Society and growing my art further.
New Artist Profile: Anne Pickersgill-Brown
I've been drawing and painting in classes since I was a young girl when sketching girls in hot pants and other exciting fashions of the 60’s and 70’s was more exciting than learning maths! I was fortunate to be tutored at high school by then art teachers, Clark Esplin and Audrey Bascand. These wonderful artists encouraged me. After a number of years away from paints, pens and pencils I was encouraged to join an art class where I re-ignited my passion for painting.
Mosgiel, Dunedin, Central Otago, Waitaki Valley, Christchurch, Banks Peninsular, Sunshine Coast (Australia) and the Tasman have generally been the places which have inspired me. I have exhibited extensively around the South Island at galleries and exhibitions and sold to both national and international buyers
I enjoy a variety of styles depending on the medium I'm applying to my subjects. I'm a woman who is always thankful to her Lord for planting her in this wonderful and inspiring part of His vineyard.
Email: annaapbart@gmail.com
New Owners for Old Masters
Following a similar initiative in Auckland, NSAS is holding an exhibition, Pre-Loved Re-loved, of pre-owned artworks Do you have art in the house in good condition that you are no longer fond of but can't just throw away because of its value? Next June you'll have a chance to put it up for sale.
You may submit 2D and 3D art, photographs, ceramics, ethnic art, etc. but note that this is not a junk, junque, souvenir or antique sale. All submissions will be vetted and NSAS will take a 30% commission. The onus will be on the seller to pass a 5% royalty fee to the artist on sales over $1,000.
Start thinking now about what you don't want any more, or about creating an acquisition budget! More details in the February newsletter.
Calling all Watercolourists
In 2018 Barbara Morrison, a watercolourist and lifetime member of NSAS, generously bequeathed us a sum of money to be used as needed by the society. In her honour it has been decided to hold a one-off exhibition exclusively for watercolours in July 2021. This will be a platform for all member watercolourists to show the calibre of their skills and the subtlety of their art. If you work in other media but have always thought about trying watercolour, this exhibition is a target to shoot for. As always, submissions will be subject to a selection process. Further details in February.
Dreaming of Exhibiting?
Make it real. Get the accolades (and sales) you and your work deserve. If you haven't exhibited before, take the plunge and submit a proposal. We are keen to exhibit the work of all our members, both 2D and 3D. Fresh faces are very welcome.
Request now for space next year and remember you don't have to go it alone. Exhibit together with a fellow member or two, or three. If you don't have a potential group of your own, ask to join one. Discuss all matters re exhibiting with Jill Richards (Exhibitions Officer. See our contacts box below.)
Special Request to NSAS Members
Do you know five friends who would be interested in receiving our quarterly newsletter?
NSAS wants to expand its presence in the community by welcoming more people and more diverse people to the McKee gallery to enjoy art and enrich their lives. Reach out to five people and ask if they would like to be on our mailing list. It's convenient, informative and free. Their names and email addresses can be forwarded to nelsonsuterartsociety@gmail.com. And of course if they decide it isn't for them they may unsubscribe any time.
Gifts, Bequests
If you are thinking of NSAS in your estate planning, please let us know so we can express our gratitude in person.
Advertising Rates
An ad here costs $30. Send your copy as a jpg file, 1mb max, size up to 1 x A4, to Clare Williams, cgwilliams01@gmail.com
Committee Members
President: Philippa Eberlein
Vice President: Nick Duncan
Secretary: Kate Coote
Treasurer: Philippa Eberlein
McKee Exhibition Officer: Jill Richards
Membership Coordinator: Francie Heathfield
Volunteers/Social Coordinator: Vacancy
Newsletter Coordinator: Clare Williams
Facebook Coordinator: Joanne Kouwenhoven
Akky Leurink
Peter Copp
Shirley Crampton
Paul Deacon
Julie Catchpole, Suter Director
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