to encourage and promote the appreciation and production of work in the visual arts
Welcome     Kia ora   

The new year is well started and we're clinging hard to summer but soon we'll face autumn days and chilly nights. Let us not mope but rather, acquire a new word - wabi-sabi, the beauty inherent in aged things;  the aesthetic of modesty, simplicity, quiet energy, and imperfection.  Elevate and celebrate maturation, wisdom and yes, even melancholia.  Writers wax poetic, artists pick up their brushes. Go forth and seize the season in whatever way moves you.

 Be creative         Kia auaha     
Cash and Carry Exhibition
The President's Report February 2021

Wishing you all a Happy new Year and a myriad of successful exhibitions for 2021.

Our Spring Exhibition which ran through October was a great success selling 20 artworks to 18 artists. Thank you to all who entered.  This was followed by Dharan Longley’s “Elemental Beauty” an exhibition of inspirational and uplifting photography. It reflected nature and each piece was accompanied by a quote of wisdom.  Four beautiful works sold.

The Summer Cash and Carry opening and Christmas party, provided by the NSAS, was enjoyed by all. A delicious Christmas punch made by Philippa Askew and an array of nibbles were well received along with Richmond Plains wine, our sponsor. Seventy-seven members entered their artwork, and everyone had something on display at the opening. The work is selling well and should be visited if you have not already. Every sold work is replaced so the exhibition is constantly changing.

The Art before Dark evening on 3rd December, organised by The Suter Art Gallery brought many people to the McKee Gallery and our Summer Exhibition. A big thanks to Vicki Charles, Gary Gibbens, Clare Bywater and Ross Whitlock for demonstrating their art techniques and talking to the visitors. Also, at the beginning of December were the NMIT Art Awards. The NSAS give a Distinction Award to the student or students that they judge to be suitable candidates to exhibit at the McKee Gallery. This year Georgia Elliston, a painter, and Andy Robertson, a wood worker, were chosen. The award entitles them to a year's membership of the NSAS, which gives them an opportunity to be included in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Exhibitions. They will also have an exhibition in the McKee Gallery free of charge. We look forward to including them in the Gallery.

The AGM will be on Tuesday 2nd March.  We have three committee members retiring and the treasurer's job is up for grabs so we invite all members to think about joining the committee. New ideas are always welcome whether it is for workshops, trips, exhibitions, or socialising. The committee are all volunteers and if we can spread the work load everyone is much happier! The current committee are a great asset to the Society, and I would like to thank them for all the work they have done this year. I also thank the members that come in and help.

Thank you
Philippa Eberlein
NSAS President/Treasurer
Your Committee
As an art society, NSAS is composed of artists, existing for artists, and run by a committee of members like you for the benefit of all.  This year three people are leaving the committee for various personal reasons which leaves an unusual opportunity for new blood to get on board and influence the future direction of the society.  What do you want the future of NSAS to be?  More hi tech?  Then bring your hi-tech skills on board.  Want to learn more about the mechanics and logistics of exhibiting?  Join your inspiration to our perspiration and get hands on experience.  Know nothing about curating?  Come and learn by doing.  Be part of creating a vibrant place for artists young and old alike.   NSAS will be the better for having your opinion in the mix.  Put up your hand at the AGM on March 2nd and join us.


Ross Whitlock:  "The Lockdown Panels"
8th February - 28th February

Quietness in solitude, peace and purpose.
May find many things,
A man and his dog while walking
Hence, The Lockdown Panels.
Ross self-quarantined Friday 29 March because at 78 he was in the age group most at risk, and no one knew how infectious the virus might prove to be.  A week later NZ went into full lockdown.

Every morning he walked Indy around the local tracks close to their home in the Maitai Valley.  The autumn days were kind. The colours were glorious.  
Every afternoon  he was in the studio painting. The day’s effort was posted that evening on Facebook.

Then on Monday April 27 Lockdown ended.  The next morning, Tuesday, was the first frost of the year.  The last panel of the series was painted looking through the studio window.  When he counted up the days and the paintings he was surprised:

40 paintings in 40 days.
          Joanna Dudson Scott    "Water in my Song"                1 March - 21 March
          Autumn Exhibition      "Development"                           29 March - 18 April
          Margie Pope                                                                 19 April - 9 May
          Sally Reynolds & Helena Morris  "To Hold"                  10 May - 30 May
Pre-loved Re-loved 

31 May - 13 June 

Shout out to sellers!  The Pre-loved Re-loved exhibition is an opportunity for art owners to pass on the pleasure of works of art that they themselves have outgrown.  We are very excited to hold this event, the first of its kind in Nelson. If you have a clean, presentable art work of value that you would like to give someone else the pleasure of possessing, consider putting it forward.   
Expressions of interest should be sent to the Society by May 2nd.  For application details, please email:
For Buyers
Bring your curiosity and your purse.  You may find an old master, a familiar artist, or just something for the mantelpiece.  You never know what you'll discover.   
Watercolour Exhibition
in Honour of Barbara Morrison 
2 August - 15 August
How are your watercolours coming along?  The Barbara Morrison Watercolour Exhibition will be a great opportunity for member artists to display all the things we love about working in watercolour, and enjoying watercolour.   

We are now pleased to announce that a display of Barbara's works will also be a feature of the exhibition. 

Application details will be forthcoming nearer the event, so all brushes to the ready!   As always, submissions will be subject to a selection process. 
New Artist Profile:  Anneke de Leur
I have discovered the sheer joy of ‘mucking’ with paint. My process is messy and accidental in that I pour paint several at a time . The experimental process is hugely satisfying to me. These spills remind me of tidal waters flowing over sand or mud ; sometimes leaving cracks when dry. These textures are to me intriguing.

Then there is the collaging process where some of these spills are brought together to form a finished work.
The paints I use are house paints recycled from the refuse centre . These are free and allow me to freely experiment. I see many possibilities for further exploring using ‘ waste’ products , for example packaging and found objects which can be  included these into these spills.

My long art teaching career has made me appreciate the enormous and endless intrigue many of us have in expressing ourselves visually.

Long may it last!

New Artist Profile:   Jane Duncan

I’m an artist in the Upper Moutere. I work in oils and I’m currently working on a series loosely based on the archetypal woman, which I plan to exhibit. I’m having a break from this at the moment though, and am painting the old hops shed that was recently pulled down in the Moutere Village. It can be looked at on FB or Instagram.

My professional background is sign writing in the traditional sense of brush work, gold leaf etc.

Thank you for including me as an Artist Member, I look forward to being part of the group.
New Artist Profile:  Sally Middleton

 I have just changed my name by deed poll and am now officially Sally Middleton.

I was registered at birth as Helen Margaret but have always been known as Sally so it is quite a relief, as I turn 80, to be finally me.

I grew up in Timaru where I was educated. My family were artistic and creative in many ways. After my Great Grandmother died, her home, Aigantighe was given to the city of Timaru as an Art Gallery. At a young age I started painting and sketching with my grandmother Jessie Wigley, who taught me to ‘look and see’ rather than just guessing.

I married Don Middleton in 1960 and we had four children. Living near the airstrip at Aoraki/Mount Cook, there was very little spare time and the shear magnificence of the surrounding mountains was too daunting a project for me to consider painting.  

It wasn’t until we retired to Wanaka in 1994 that I was able to follow my passion painting in watercolours. I exhibited in Timaru and Akaroa with my daughter Jess Gunn and with the local Wanaka Art Society for over a period of 20 years.

Although I have painted with other mediums, I love the unexpected results which often occur with watercolours and portrait painting is what I enjoy most.

After my husband’s death, I moved to Nelson in 2015. I am keen to learn new techniques and develop a more loose, abstract style of painting. With this in mind, I am very grateful to be accepted as a working member of the Nelson Suter Art Society.

New Artist Profile: Leigh Dougherty

I am a Nelson based contemporary artist who paints predominantly land and seascapes.   Inspired by the beautiful ocean, skies and coastlines  around New Zealand I  bring a unique and innovative approach to my paintings. I love working in mixed media and incorporate a variety of materials from structure pastes, inks and glazes to achieve my particular vision.  I scrape, chip and sand into some works or let the paint and texture speak for themselves in others.    
I was tutored for 5 years privately in art by an award winning artist and teacher Kimbra Taylor, as well as taking workshops and studying with other New Zealand and Australian  artists.  I’m always looking to strengthen my knowledge and ability in my field so am currently learning with NMIT life drawing.   I am  largely self-taught in my  textured acrylic medium through trial and error, play and study.   I find complete joy in experimenting,  finding beauty in the layering and light effects with paint and glazes. I try to capture the colours, movement and beauty of the ocean in my work while leaving something to the viewers' imagination.

Art Critique Session

given by David Ryan MA. BFA. Grad Dip Edu

A critique session with David Ryan was held on the 22nd November 2020. Seven artists presented work for David to critique. In his usual constructive manner he commented on each painting and made suggestions on composition, light and the use of colour. He also pointed out how the artist may take paintings to another level.

Eight observers were present.  All artists and some observers also contributed and made comments.  Everybody agreed it was a beneficial learning experience.

New Artist Profile: Debra Cole

Art was, I feel, imprisoned within me escaping for brief periods during school and university, only to face incarceration again until a mid-career awakening offered relief from my monotonous work diet, rich in corporate over-indulgence. I enrolled in an art class, and my life changed forever.

After earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in accounting from the University of Utah, USA, followed by a decades-long career in the corporate world as a chartered accountant and subsequently a Chief Financial Officer, my husband Peter and I retired to our adopted home of Nelson after 17 years of annual holidays to this wonderful town.

In Nelson I discovered a vibrant art community, and have drawn particular inspiration from artists Jo Tyson, David Ryan, Gavin Hitchings, and John Crawford. Photography and Shodō, the art of Japanese calligraphy, have become my passions. Both art forms require focus and contemplation of positive and negative space.

 Growing up in a bi-racial and bi-lingual home in Japan and the United States exposed me to starkly different realities. My Japanese mother brought a rich cultural diversity to our family life, and from my Irish American father, I inherited a keen interest in documenting life through a lens.  

I have long relished the challenge of street photography, now New Zealand has introduced me to capturing the beauty of nature and landscapes.

My Shodō is influenced by artist Max Gimblett whose gestural drawings express an unconstrained and free-form approach. Kazuaki Tanahashi’s teachings of Japanese calligraphy and his many notable books on the subject have also influenced the way I practice Shodō. Tanahashi opens worlds with his expansive interpretation of Japanese calligraphy as a way of life, not just a goal-oriented task.

A Cuppa with New Members
On Wednesday January 20, new member artists were invited to join some of the committee members for afternoon tea at the McKee to meet each other, talk about their creative passions and show each other some of their work.  The idea behind this gathering was to bring artists together to meet the NSAS committee.  This would enable the committee to explain what it could do for artists and give artists in turn the opportunity to say what they wanted out of their membership.  It was so successful and stimulating that what was planned as a one off event is now being considered for a thrice-yearly social.

         "Meeting fellow artists gives a great sense of support in what can be a lonely profession. Having a Society such as Suter, to arrange meetings is a wonderful help.  I met with a dozen fellows, from various disciplines, and have already benefited from the contacts I made; one colleague dropped in to visit my studio and we exchanged views and experiences to mutual benefit."

         "Thank you and the team for the opportunity to be at the sharing of the new members get together. Very much appreciated!  It was a good idea, for us as members but I imagine too for you, to hear a little background to the work that may grace your gallery walls.  It provides a link to meet and greet in the future when hopefully we will all participate in the shows to come."
Limited Edition $10 
 Nelson Suter Art Society 1889 - 1989

The Nelson Suter Art Society is the third oldest in New Zealand, and June E. Neale, noted Nelson historian, has meticulously documented the origins of the society, collected photos and reported on its development and its highlights through the years.  A limited first edition, it is available only while stocks last.  Purchase from the front desk of the Suter Gallery.
Annual Exhibition 1904:  C F Goldie exhibited "Sammy" here
Dreaming of Exhibiting?

Make it real.  Get the accolades (and sales) you and your work deserve.  If you haven't exhibited before, take the plunge and submit a proposal.  We are keen to exhibit the work, both 2D and 3D, of all our members.  Fresh faces are very welcome.
Request now for space in 2022 and remember you don't have to go it alone.  Exhibit together with a fellow member or two, or three.  If you don't have a potential group of your own, ask to join one.  Discuss all matters re exhibiting with Jill Richards (Exhibitions Officer. See our contacts box below.)                         
The Xmas Grazing Table

There was a lot of curiosity about the delectable, Japanese-style chicken at the Christmas party.  Karaage (car-rah-ah-gay) has its origins in the hot spring town of Beppu in the 1920s.  After WW II it became a popular street food and drinking nibble nationwide. 
Boneless pieces of chicken are marinated in soy sauce  (which is not gluten free) coated with potato starch (gluten free) and deep fried.  Two more flavours offered are black pepper and 7-spice chili pepper (all coatings gluten free). The ideal karaage is crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. If you want more, visit Mister Karaage at his cart in Kirby Lane off Bridge street Tuesday through Saturday.
Thanks also to Richmond Plains for the wonderful wines. The  Blanc de Noir, looking like a delicate rosé but actually pinot noir made as a white, was outstanding and captured the popular vote by far.  You can visit their cellar at 108 McShane Road, Richmond, Nelson.
 Five-Friend Mission Continues
We have increased our presence in the local community with our outreach push but we'd like to expand still further.

Not only do we want to inform more people about our artists and art activities, we want to increase the diversity of people we engage with.  The newsletter is also an easy avenue to reach out to newcomers or just plain shy people who are perhaps on the periphery of art, looking for a way in.

So spread the word.  Reach out to your five people and ask if they would like to be on our mailing list. It's convenient, informative and free. They, or you, may forward their email addresses to  And of course if they decide it isn't for them they may unsubscribe any time.
Endowments, Bequests
We appreciate your contributions in support of local artists and the furtherance of the visual arts.  If you are thinking of NSAS in your estate planning, please contact the president at the email address below.
Advertising Rates

An ad here costs $30.  Send your copy as a jpg file, 1mb max, size up to 1 x A4, to Clare Williams,

Committee Members

President: Philippa Eberlein
Vice President: Nick Duncan
Secretary: Kate Coote
Treasurer: Philippa Eberlein
McKee Exhibition OfficerJill Richards
Membership Coordinator: Francie Heathfield
Social Coordinator: Akky Leurink
Newsletter Coordinator: Clare Williams
Facebook Coordinator: Joanne Kouwenhoven

Peter Copp
Paul Deacon 

Julie Catchpole, Suter Director