Nelson Suter Art Society

to promote and encourage the cultivation and production of work in the visual arts

Pauline Watts

I now live in Collingwood, having emigrated from UK with my partner, John, to be with family here in New Zealand.

I graduated from Art College in 1968 so have a life of various art adventures. Although I principally did sculpture, I found it took too long to produce and my mind was elsewhere by the end. A couple of years out of college and I trained as a nurse retiring from that in 2009.

Somewhere along the line, I painted for commissions, and worked as a copyist. However, I continued to manage a few pieces, mostly portraits which I did for myself and family and friends.


When I retired, I had the freedom to concentrate on painting whatever and however I chose to paint and develop my style, really enjoying myself with colour and landscapes. Before I left UK, I had an  exhibition with an artist friend which was very successful.


Here I have participated in two residencies organised by the GBArts Council, Farewell Spit 2015 and the Cobb 2019. These have been very inspirational for me, not just for the place, but the people I shared the experience with. I also have to mention Milnthorpe Park and it’s wonderful variety of trees, and the beaches in Golden Bay as continual inspiration.


Painting provides me with the rapidity, surprise and excitement which the artist in me needs. I also revel in colour which I’m beginning to combine with texture and various media. I use acrylics, pencils, collage, my own photos, vegetation, really anything that fits to the painting. It’s an exciting process for me to watch how the painting evolves. I might have an idea at the beginning , but no idea how the end will look.


There is now a group of us in Collingwood, Aorere Artists who will be running open studios, once during Labour Weekend and again in the summer.


I have work in the Origin Gallery, Hardy Street, Nelson



Instagram: paulinewattsartist
