Nelson Suter Art Society
to promote and encourage the cultivation and production of work in the visual arts
Lisa Chandler
My painting practice critically examines the urban environment and the relationships between individuals and crowds within space. I explore contemporary urban issues such as social change, globalisation, gentrification, and the theory and aesthetics of the non-place.
I balance months of intensive studio practice with travel to explore unknown spaces and places. The act of walking is an important part of my initial research and image collection process. As an urban wanderer I negotiate spaces to experience and understand the complexities of the global city. Wandering the street places me in the flow of the crowd, and amongst the sights and sounds of the city.
In my painting process I am constantly searching for a balance between abstraction and figuration. Urban structures and anonymous people intertwine through a process of layering, obliterating and tracing. Images are painted in, painted out and painted over. The history in the layers of paint traces the transformation of urban space. In addition to large-scale paintings, I create small works on paper, employing drawing, collage and printmaking techniques.